May 2015


Submitted by UO_Herald on May 30, 2015 at 3:25 PM CDT
UO Customer Service

Originally posted 2015 May 28 15:04 -0400 GMT by Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong on the UO Herald:

2015/5/28未明に掲載された「【重要】日本国内販売ウルティマ オンライン関連コードの」の記事内で、「で販売されたコードは対象外」「影響を受けるコードはファミポート及び旧UOストアで販売されたコードのみ」と受け取れる誤った表現がございました。

今回の対象コードは日本国内向けに販売されたコードのうち、特定の種類のコード(詳細はこちらの記事 に掲載)であり、ご購入店舗によって異なるわけではございません。(Originストアは海外ストアのため、取扱いコードは日本国内向け販売コードではございません)

To read the full article on the forums, click HERE.

【重要】日本国内販売ウルティマ オンライン関連コードのサポート終了のお知らせ

Submitted by UO_Herald on May 26, 2015 at 12:46 PM CDT
UO Customer Service

Originally posted 2015 May 26 13:38 -0400 GMT by Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong on the UO Herald:

【重要】日本国内販売ウルティマ オンライン関連コードのサポート終了のお知らせ


平素は「ウルティマ オンライン」をご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。

この度、「ウルティマ オンライン」をご利用のお客様向けに日本国内で販売された関連コードにつきまして、平成27年7月31日23時59分をもちましてサポートを終了させていただくこととなりました。

これに伴い、日本国内で販売されたウルティマ オンライン関連コードは上記日時以降、全て無効化されご使用が不可となります。つきましては、対象となる未使用コードをお持ちの場合はサポート終了日時までにコードの適用をすべて完了していただきますようお願いいたします。


  1. 何故コードのサポートを終了するのですか?

To read the full article on the forums, click HERE.

The Silver Gate

Submitted by UO_Herald on May 21, 2015 at 9:51 PM CDT

Originally posted 2015 May 21 15:41 -0400 GMT by Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong on the UO Herald:


In anticipation of the release the Time of Legends we are kicking off a series of in-game live events to shepherd in this exciting time within Britannia! Check out shard Event Moderator websites and in-game town criers to find out when these events will be held. Without further ado we present,

The Silver Gate

By: EM Malachi

The Stranger aligned the last gem in its place within the ritual circle. Mana began to pool between the four gems, pulled to the tower from each of the four continents. Pausing briefly to focus his mind, the Stranger whispered an ancient incantation, carefully shaping the mana into a delicate silver gate. When the moongate was stable enough for passage, the Stranger picked up his sword and stepped through.

Hawkwind, the Time Lord, solemnly watched the Stranger's actions. When the gate closed, he held his breath for what would come. It might have been minutes, an hour, or a day, but then the world shattered. The mountain range near the tower crumbled and shifted, cutting Stonegate off from the rest of the world. Where the gate had been, mana surged and made the gems vibrate until all, even the diamond, shattered.

The Time Lord pulled back his perspective to see the rest of Sosaria suffering the same Shattering. Mountains crumbled, and islands sank, reshaping the four continents. Mana storms and boiling seas doomed countless species to extinction. In the devastation, empires and kingdoms were lost forever. A single Sosarian timeline splintered into hundreds, one for each shard of Mondain's cursed gem.

To read the full story on the forums, click HERE.

Attention: Players Wanted for Focus Group

Submitted by UO_Herald on May 20, 2015 at 6:12 PM CDT
UO Community News

Originally posted 2015 May 19 17:57 -0400 GMT by Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong on the UO Herald:

Greetings Everyone,

We are happy to announce we are ready to open the Time of Legends focus group. We would like to have approximately 250 players to take a first look at the Time of Legends and give us constructive feedback. If you have an active account and would like to join this group these are the steps to follow:

  • Email with your account name and a valid email address to use for the internal forums.

  • You will then receive a link to fill out a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Survey to give us a better insight to your playing style.

  • You will then be added to an internal forums where you will find all the details of what you will be testing and where.

  • Please use the default subject title as “Time of Legends Focus Group”

Please note you will not be added until you have completed the NDA and survey. We will begin the process this week to be able to get people started as early as next week. We look forward to your feedback and working with you.


UO Team

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