Chancellor's Decree & High Crimes Statutes

Communications with the High Council of Britannia.
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Lord DaKaren
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Posts: 970
UO Shard: Great Lakes
Character Age: 2129
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Guild Affiliation: Order of the Etheral Ankh
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Chancellor's Decree & High Crimes Statutes

Post by Lord DaKaren » Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:18 pm

Chancellor's Decree:

Due to the terrorist bombing at the Jerred Ghyss Civic Center after the 482nd session of the High Council of Britannia, it is hereby decreed that all beings seeking entrance to the council chambers shall be searched prior to admittance. Any explosive or poisonous substances will be confiscated, as shall any ranged weapons not belonging to known members of the Britannian Armed Forces. Parties who do not submit to inspection are subject to immediate expulsion or arrest.

Changes to the statue defining Treason:

Old Statute:
The act of betraying one's country to an enemy. Any act that would separate the Council from the Ruling Council. On an individual level, any act that would unseat, overthrow, undermine, or usurp the Ruling Council's authority or bring harm to them would be treason. Thought alone (without speech or action) is not sufficient to be treasonous. Freedom to speak your mind ends when you begin to espouse ideas with the intent to incite people to take action and join a cause with the purpose of interfering with the Ruling Council's ability to rule.

New Statute:
The act of betraying one's nation; either by giving aid and comfort to an enemy, or by levying war against its peoples and institutions. Any act that would separate the High Council from the Royal Council. Any act that endangers the health or welfare of the sovereign of the Kingdom of Britannia. Any act that would unseat, overthrow, undermine, or usurp the Royal Council's authority or bring harm to them. Any act that threatens an established peace treaty between the Kingdom of Britannia and any other signatory power. Thought alone, without speech or action, is not sufficient to be treasonous.

New statute defining terrorism:
The unlawful use of force and violence by any group or individual against peoples or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political, social or criminal objectives. (Shall also be considered treason.)
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-Lord DaKaren

High Chancellor of Virtue of the High Council of Britannia
Archmage of the Order of the Etheral Ankh

Administrator of UORPC.NET
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