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Proposed Decree 539-A: Criminalization of Hate Groups & Activity

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 6:27 pm
by Dot Warner
To promote social unity and lessen partisan strife, the High Council of the Kingdom of Britannia hereby decrees that any assemblage which meets the criteria of a "hate group," as defined below, is henceforth illegal within the borders of the Kingdom of Britannia as defined by Article I, section C of the current Royal Constitution of Britannia.
  • Hate Group: A social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, sapient species, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. This shall also include organizations who espouse superiority over such listed classes.
Confirmed membership in such a group shall confer a mandatory hate crime enhancement for all criminal charges arising from an arrest associated to said group's activities, or an individual's activities.

To the Codex of Laws of the Kingdom of Britannia shall be added:
  • Hate Crime: A crime motivated by bias or other prejudice (race, ethnicity, species, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation). (Enhancement for base criminal charge(s))
  • Hate Speech: The use of extreme language (either written or verbal) against an individual or a group (as defined in Hate Crime) which either implies a direct threat of physical force against them, or which may be seen as an indirect call for another to use it.
The printing and dissemination of literature (including but not limited to: banners, books, brochures, flyers/leaflets and scrolls) promoting such a group's beliefs shall be considered a hate speech.

Members of hate groups may also be charged with terrorism should their crime(s) be sufficiently egregious.